Why not use Object Manager in Magento 2

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In Magento 2, proper dependency management is crucial for building scalable, maintainable, and high-performing code. One common pitfall to avoid is the direct use of the Object Manager in Magento 2, which is discouraged by Magento’s best practices and development guidelines. In this article, we will explore why using the Object Manager directly is not recommended and discuss the best practices for dependency management in Magento 2.

Understanding the Object Manager in Magento 2

The Object Manager is a powerful tool in Magento 2 that handles object instantiation and retrieval. It provides a convenient way to create objects on-the-fly without explicitly declaring dependencies. However, relying on the Object Manager directly can lead to various issues.

Violation of Dependency Injection (DI)

Magento 2 promotes the use of Dependency Injection (DI) to manage object dependencies. DI follows the principle of Inversion of Control (IoC), where dependencies are declared explicitly, making code more readable and maintainable. By using the Object Manager directly, we bypass the DI mechanism and introduce tight coupling between classes.

Code Readability and Maintainability

When the Object Manager is used directly, it becomes harder to understand the code and its dependencies. This can make maintenance and debugging more challenging, especially in complex projects. By following DI principles, dependencies are explicitly defined, making the codebase more modular, readable, and easier to maintain.

Performance Considerations

Using the Object Manager directly can impact performance compared to using DI. The Object Manager performs additional runtime checks and object creation, resulting in increased overhead. On the other hand, DI allows for compile-time configuration of dependencies, leading to better performance and optimized code execution.

Compatibility and Caching

Magento 2 utilizes code generation and caching mechanisms to improve performance. However, using the Object Manager directly can interfere with these mechanisms, leading to compatibility issues and inconsistent behaviour across different environments. By following DI practices, code generation and caching can function optimally, ensuring better compatibility and stability.

Best Practices for Dependency Management in Magento 2

To ensure clean and maintainable code in Magento 2, here are some best practices for dependency management:

Use Constructor Injection: Declare dependencies in the class constructor rather than using the Object Manager directly. This promotes loose coupling and makes dependencies explicit.

Leverage Service Contracts: Utilize Magento’s Service Contracts to define interfaces and interact with core functionalities. This allows for better abstraction and decoupling of modules.

Utilize Factories: When creating objects dynamically, use factories instead of the Object Manager. Factories provide a standardized way to instantiate objects and manage dependencies.

Employ Dependency Injection Containers: Utilize DI containers to configure and manage dependencies. Magento’s DI container handles object creation, allowing for easy customization and substitution of implementations.


Using the Object Manager directly in Magento 2 is discouraged due to its negative impact on code maintainability, performance, and compatibility. By following best practices for dependency management, such as employing DI, constructor injection, and utilizing service contracts and factories, developers can build scalable, modular, and high-quality code in Magento 2. These practices not only enhance code readability and maintainability but also improve overall performance and promote a more efficient development process.

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