Dell asked Employees to return to office

Covid Era

During Covid time, employees were working from their homes. Recently Dell have asked their employees to return to the office.

Hybrid Structure

Some companies are trying to get their employee by using a Hybrid approach. Others like Dell are calling employees to the office.

Remote working

Although Dell has asked their employees to return to the office. 50% of employees still prefer working from home.

Promotion Halted

It seems employees prefer working from home over promotion. Dell has barred the promotion of remote employees.

One of Employee said

I have benefited greatly from being WFH since 2020 and had a lot of personal growth. I’m not willing to give that up if I don’t have to.

Another Employee said

The more time I have to spend in the office, the less time, money, and personal space I have for all of that. Now I can do my job just as well from home and have personal benefits as well.

Office Going employees

Employees going to the office said their spending increased, Like food, coffee and travelling to an office.