Uncovered Update Product for specific store via API

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Managing product updates becomes critical in scenarios where a client runs multiple stores on the Magento 2 platform, To update Product for specific store alongside an application responsible for real-time product information updates, ranging from quantity adjustments to availability changes. Clients often present a nuanced set of requirements, seeking the flexibility to update products selectively for a specific store or uniformly across all stores within the Magento ecosystem. This article provides insights into two distinct APIs crafted to address these diverse needs—one tailored for precise updates in a designated store and another designed to seamlessly synchronize product updates across the entire spectrum of stores within the Magento environment.

Token generation in Magento 2

Before proceeding to update or create a product you will need an auth token. To generate an authorization token you can follow the steps in the article Create access token in Magento 2 the application which will be updating. This token need to be stored on the system from where the api will be called. It also need to be updated whenever the token gets expired.

Update Product for specific store

In the process of update product for specific store, the essential step involves invoking the API with the URI format: https://<website_url>/rest/{store_code}/V1/products/<sku>. Crucially, this request must be a PUT request rather than a POST request since the latter is typically reserved for creating a new product. Given that we are dealing with an existing product that requires modification, a PUT request is the appropriate choice. The body of this request should encapsulate the fields slated for update, ensuring a seamless and targeted enhancement of product information. This capability becomes particularly invaluable when managing diverse product attributes or adjusting inventory specifics for a specific store.

  "product": {
    "price": 34,
    "extension_attributes": {
      "category_links": [
          "position": 0,
          "category_id": "3"
      "stock_item": {
        "qty": "20",
        "is_in_stock": true

With the above request with the body it will update the product change its price to 34 and qty to 20. If the attribute is global then it will change across all other store and if the attribute is store level then it will be changed to respective store view.

Consider the scenario where we omit specifying the store code or ID in the request, like sending a request to https://<website_url>/rest/V1/products/<sku>. In this case, the product won’t be updated across all stores; instead, it will be updated for the first store within the Magento 2 instance. This situation poses a common challenge for developers seeking to update a product universally across all stores but inadvertently end up modifying only the first store in Magento. So, the question arises: How can we ensure a comprehensive update across all stores in Magento?

Update Product for all stores

To perform a comprehensive update for a product across all stores within Magento, a slight modification in the URI is essential. It remains similar to the previous format but incorporates a key distinction—it includes the term ‘all.’ For instance, the URI would appear as follows: https://<website_url>/rest/all/V1/products/<sku>. Despite this slight adjustment, other components of the request, such as the request body and authentication token, remain unchanged. This specific request ensures the product update spans across all stores configured in your Magento instance. This approach proves particularly effective when you need to modify specific attributes universally, such as updating prices and quantities consistently across all stores.


The choice of API calls depends on your specific needs within a multistore platform. You have the flexibility to opt for either or both, depending on your requirements. For instance, if you intend to update product information for a specific store, the first option—specifying the store ID or code—in API. On the other hand, if your goal is a comprehensive update across all stores, the ‘all’ variant is the preferred choice. One crucial consideration is to consistently specify the store ID or code in your requests. Failure to do so may inadvertently update the first store, potentially leading to challenges and disruptions for your customers.